The answer is NO! There are no secrets or tricks for Instagram growth. There are rules. And these rules are widely governed by Instagram Algorithms that work to personalize a user’s experience on the platform. Back in 2012, when Facebook (now Meta) acquired Instagram, which then was a popular photo-sharing app, it used a chronicle algorithm to show the latest posts. But in 2022, the algorithms are more complex and predict what content is right for which user, based on their interest.
This is important… Let’s talk a bit more about Instagram Algorithms. According to Instagram, each part of the application uses its own Algorithm. That clearly means Feed, Explore, Reels and Stories use different algorithms. That’s why your reel content is much more diversified yet focused than your Feed content which is mostly focused on content published by whom you follow.
So each algorithm must have some basic rules and in this article, we will cover those.
Tricks for Instagram Growth 6 Rules for Instagram Growth
First Rule – The Trust Cycle

The question is – I only have 5 followers. How can I grow now? The answer is – by earning trust. Your content must educate, entertain, engage and support your followers. Once they trust, they will engage with your content. And when they engage regularly, a signal to Instagram Algorithms will be sent. These signals will result in suggesting your content to non-followers. And the cycle continues.
Second Rule – Consistency is the key

What is consistency? Posting daily? No. It is posting at the same frequency and at the same time. Suppose you boosted your morale and started posting daily. But after a week, you burned out and decided to go 3 days a week. This breaks your consistency. When you decide the frequency, don’t think of it as daily. It will be awesome if you can post daily. But if you can post weekly to start with, it’s fine. Once you gain momentum, go for it daily at the same time.
Third Rule – Keep Experimenting

Figuring out your niche can be quite a task. This is mainly done by the hit & trial method. You need to experiment by creating different types of content and figure out what is working for you. To start with, you need to post content that educates, entertains, or helps your audience with certain issues. Then you need to simply checkout the insights and figure out which content performed well. Try not to rely only on engagement but also check the CTR (Click through rate: the ratio between impressions and clicks). Content with high CTR is better and indicates that audiences are engaging.
Fourth Rule – Revamp your Bio (Profile) Page

Your profile is an important part of your Instagram. You should optimize your profile page to get more visits and convert those visits into followers, views, likes, and comments. Follow bellow guidelines to optimize your Instagram Profile –
- Have a short and effective handle. A handle that is easy to be remembered is good.
- Have a profile picture that fits your niche. A gardener should have a profile picture with a flower.
- To initiate, your name should have keywords related to your niche.
- Follow more people at first in order to connect. The more you connect, the more chance you have to get a follow back.
- Have a clear bio with Call-to-action. A bio can be a mix of
- Problem statement for your audience
- How your profiles solve it
- and what your audience should do, i.e. CTA
- Have your website included. Don’t use multi-link sites like Linktree. New Instagram Algorithm hates such links. If you don’t have a website, link your other pages or platforms.
- Add a contact option and other action buttons to make the “Follow” button larger.
- Make your highlights branded with colors and pictures.
- Have at least 12 pieces of content to fill your profile grid.
Fifth Rule – Be an introvert on Instagram, and comment on other creator’s content

This is one thing that we generally miss. We should spend more time liking, commenting, and saving other content created by creators in our niche. Like all other social media platforms, Instagram’s algorithm also prefers cross-engagement. When you like other content, you are communicating across the community that you exist and get some likes, comments, and follows from creators with huge followings. Also, don’t be shy to reply to comments that you earned on your post. Engaging with comments is the key factor for growth.
Sixth Rule – Don’t lose the patience

We understand that this all may be tiring and may not yield any desired results for weeks. But it’s crucial not to lose hope and stay positive. The Instagram algorithm takes time to mature and figure out your target spot. So, keep researching, keep testing and always avoid burnout.
May victory be yours.