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4 key Ingredients of Social Media Success

Social media can be tough. But tough never means an impossible task. Once you decided to read this blog, you already took a step forward to success. You just need to make a perfect soup with the perfect 4 ingredients of Social Media success.

These 4 metrics of social media marketing are not tips and tricks. You can consider these are golden rules when you post something on social media and definitely want to grow.

So here are 4 ingredients of Social Media success.

1. Content is King 👑

This is a proverb in Digital Industry and it is completely true. Content is always the king. Once your content is good, you are halfway to success.

So, what is content?

As Ann Handley writes in her book Everybody Writes “Content isn’t limited to the text on our Web pages or product pages or blogs or email newsletters. It’s broader than the things we think of as marketing. Content is essentially everything your customer or prospect touches or interacts with—including your own online properties and Web pages and the experiences they offer, but also everything on any social channel (like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and so on).”

Kristina Halvorson, CEO of content strategy firm Brain Traffic and well-known speaker and author says “Content is the entire user experience”.

What are the key elements of a good content?

  1. Be original and try to provide exclusive content
  2. Content must be valuable to your audience
  3. Do research and include evidence & explanation of what you write
  4. Use headline that is meaningful to your target audience and your content.
  5. Keep the content relevant to your audience

2. Relevancy is Queen 👸

While content is king, relevancy is the queen. Irrelevant content is of no use.

So what is content relevancy

Content relevancy is a term to indicate how relevant your content is in relation to your consumer, product, or search term. These things make your content relevant:

  1. Content relevance completely depends on your audience. A content cannot be relevant to all, unless is address the whole universe such as information about a pandemic, doomsday, wishes etc. That means you need to understand consumer’s persona. Till the time you don’t understand your customer, you will never know what is relevant to them.
  2. Relevant content must solve user’s problem. Your content is not just collection of words. If you have understood your consumer’s persona, you must be aware about their general problems. You need to solve them in the easiest way possible.

3. Reach more audience

This is not as easy as it looks. If your content is good and relevant to your audience, it is not necessary that it will be more reachable. And when we say reach it means reaching your community. So how can your post reach more audience:

  • Understand algoritm for the platform. Like Facebook follows Algorithm know as Signal score and works as given below
Social Media Success - Facebook Algorithm

Similarly, all platforms have their own algorithms to serve their content. Once you understand the algorithm, you know the process required for reaching more users.

  • Always Use relevant hashtags. Hashtags are simply topics related to that post. Use tools such as to generate relevant hashtags. Also, don`t insert frequently used hashtags in bulk. Maintain ratio of 2-3 hashtags whicha are most popular, 5-6 hashtags those are moderately used and rest rarely used. This way you create a balanced set of hashtags.

Here are a few types of hashtags:

  • Campaign or brand event
  • Product or service
  • Niche
  • Industry, group, or community
  • Event, holiday, or season
  • Location
  • Daily
  • Acronym
  • Social Responsibility
  • Use caption to send the right signal to Social media algorithm. E.g. if you use LOL 😂 emoji, Facebook usnderstand that this post is a funny post and keep it queued for audience who like such that emotion. Also, an emoji is the only colorful part of the caption and it drives attention toward it.
  • Be consistent. This is critical metric for your social success. If you post consistently, algorithm of any platform pushes your content. Note that consistency is not posting daily. Consistency is when you post a content on Monday at 7 am and keep posting on same day and time.

Also Read: What is the Digital Marketing Process and how it works?

4. Keep your audience engaged

Suppose you created good and relevant content and reached many. But no one interacted (Like, Comment & Share) with your video. The algorithm of any social media platform will mark such content as waste as no one reacted to it. Here are a few tips to make your content more engaging:

  • Use call to action wisely and clearly
  • Ask easy to answers questions
  • Use emotions such as we distribute 1 blanket to each homeless if you like our post.
  • Ask to share the content to spread a message.
  • Post quizes
  • Post quotes and affirmations
Social Media Success - reach engagement cycle


Social media marketing can be tough. But so is chicken curry. But the right recipe and correct procedure can make awesome-looking content or curry. Content that educatesentertainsinspires, and promotes are always the best posts that engage your relevant audiences.